It is fortuitous that we are publishing the first issue of our rebranded newsletter, The Spirit of Sulam, on the heels of Jewish Disabilities Awareness, Acceptance, & Inclusion Month (JDAIM), which takes place every year in February.

Jewish Disabilities Awareness, Acceptance, & Inclusion Month (JDAIM) takes place every year in February. JDAIM is “An effort among Jewish organizations and communities worldwide to raise awareness and foster inclusion of people with disabilities and those who love them.”

This perfectly mirrors the mission of Sulam: to provide an excellent inclusive Jewish day school education for every student, and to support all of our students’ academic, social, and emotional needs. Every single student is a contributing member of our community and adds value.

Sulam and Berman faculty and students are collaborating on two upcoming activities to bring inclusion awareness to the school community. On Monday, February 7, Sulam will be sponsoring a Berman Buddies event: Tie Dye and Pizza. There will also be a focus on inclusion at the next