Sulam students may graduate, but the care of their teachers continues on.

Three years after graduating, Ezra is still learning Torah with his Sulam rebbe, Rabbi Joshua Baldinger.

“Rabbi Baldinger spent so much time with me when I was a Sulam student. He learned with me on Friday nights at Yeshiva, he taught me how to fish, he was a role model to me.”

Ezra is a gifted and talented alumnus (’16) who first came to Sulam for support in focusing in class and producing high-quality work.

“I had struggled all through middle school feeling like I was dumb. I just couldn’t keep up with all the requirements because I would hyperfocus on my own areas of interest and forget about everything else!”

When Ezra entered Sulam in 9th grade, he gained a wrap-around support system comprised of Sulam special educators who customized a program designed to focus on Ezra’s strengths, rather than his challenges. With support, Ezra began to achieve the exceptional academic success of which he was always capable. 

“When I saw how much everyone cared about my success, I was able to develop close relationships with my teachers, and I developed a love for learning.”

Ezra went on to intern at the Sackler Gallery, take a gap year to attend a yeshiva in Israel, and is currently an art student in college. He also finds time to give back and help other young students facing learning and emotional challenges, just as Rabbi Baldinger once did for him. Ezra works each summer at the JCC Inclusion Camp and mentors young students at Friendship Circle.

“I really feel for kids who struggle. I learned from Sulam that I can make a difference in a person’s life.”


Generous donors have offered to EXTEND their $150,000 match grant through the end of the year. This means that every dollar you give now will have DOUBLE the impact on life-changing mentorships like Ezra and Rabbi Baldinger.

Today is the day. Give now.